Sunday, March 30, 2008

Socks 10/05/08 "Circle Socks"

finished last night. "Circle Socks" from Siljas Sokker Kal. Now there is only one more sock left, then I'm ready with catching up. I'm already anxious to what the April-patterns will be...*wait and see*
The pic is not one of my best, I will make another one during daylight where the pattern can be seen better. But not tomorrow, since we're going to chance to summertime, and then the day will have an hour less.....not enough time...*smile*

Material: Flotte Socke Stretch with dpn 2,5 mm
..and I finally managed to take a better pic, where you can see the pattern and the color is very close to the original.

X-MAS 2008

since I took up myself to finish one x-mas gift each month, I'm still a little bit behind. This is supposed to be a gift for my brother. Potholders in VW-beetle shape. Well, he is collecting almost everthing that has to do with the subject. These are not appropriate to be used, only for decoration....but now, as it comes to the tricky parts, I think I'll let it wait again for a while...Yes, I know, not very consequently, but there are other things that go faster an make living easier at the moment.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


all these birthdays and Easter are over and it hadn't been good for my diet. But I could manage it, not to gain least

March, 25th 2008

Socks 09/04/08 "Swirl Socks"

Finally I finished the swirl socks from Sokker KAL. It was the first time I knitted toe-up.

Material: Rest of Gedifra Color 6-ply with dpn 3.0 mm.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Happy Easter

I hope you all will have a nice weekend. Relax with your family and your favorite hobby if you can, and wherever you are, may the weathergod have mercy on it is cold, ugly, snowy, rainy and icy. It's always changing during the entire day....


..I still have to catch up three pair of socks from the Sokker Kal for the current year. There is only one left from January and the rest is from March. Hope I will be on schedule at the end of the month....

Left circle socks, middle drops design and right swirl socks.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Socks 08/03/08 "Anastasia Socks"

Finally I've finshed my "Anastasia Socks". I'm not satisfied with the picture quality and I'll think about other ways of getting better ones.

Material: Gedifra Socks Color with dpn 2.0 mm

Febuary 2008

75 g Calzino 6-ply - Thuja Socks
75 g Gedifra 6-ply - Blueberry Waffles Socks
rest - cabled socks

250 g Gedifra Surprise - hat and scarf matching with fetching
reste cotton - div. jam glas tops

total ca. 400 g plus rests

January 2008

100 g Gedifra cotton - Jaywalker Socks
100 g F.S. Bamboo - Blue Bamboo, plain stockinette
rest - "Hundertwasser"socks
100 g Gedifra Funny Socks Color - "double moss", SKS

150 g F.S. 6-ply - headband and gloves matching with Hip Hop scarf
50 g Gedifra Surprise - headband matching with crotched scarf

total: ca. 500 g plus rest

Sunday, March 16, 2008

My Jacket..

..I'm not so happy with it, as I should be, and I cannot find out, what the problem is. The yarn is alright, it knits perfectly. Okay, the pattern is adjusted to the amount of material I had, but I mean, it doesn't look too bad. Anyway, I'm not going to rip it again. See, what happens, when I've finished....

Old Memories...3

When I was looking in my bookshelf for something to read, I found the biography of King Olav V. of Norway. He died in Jan. 1991, at the age of 88 years, after having suffered from several deseases. That was an experience I never had before. I was aware that the Norwegians loved their king very much, he was called a "folkekonge", which means that he was just like everybody that lived in his country. There were many stories told, such as he sometimes was seen in the "trikk" - tram, on his way to Holmenkollen ski center. Or in younger years he did cross-country in the Oslo area as anybody else. He always denied having bodyguards. His point was that there were 4 mill. Norwegian people taking care of him.
He was King of Norway for almost 34 years. His wife died in the early fifties, so that he unfortunately had to rule without a queen by his side. The Norwegian Royals live, as the country requires. This needs some review to Norwegian history. Originally it was a very poor country, since the landscape doesn't provide enough possibilities for farming. Only in the South agriculture is done. In the rest of the country, people had to live from fishing and hunting, but it never was enough for a good life, and in bad years people were starving. The result was that in e.g. 19th century many people emigrated preferably to the United States. But since Norway has access to the oil-sources in the Northsea, the country is wealthy, but still decent.
Coming back to the Royals. Well, the younger generation might be scandalous, but nothing compared to the Brits. Sometimes I think that Olav would turn over in his grave, but modern times are as they are. In his time Royals lived as idols and there was never a whiff of a scandal or something. His attitude was conservative as it was expected from a Royal.
When he died, I saw people standing in the street, crying and telling me, they could not believe that the King was dead. I carefully argued that he was old and sick and that people just die. And I still remember the answer of one lady: "That's all true, what you say, we know, and this is effective to everybody but not to our King." For his funeral many heads of state arrived in order to condole a person that had a worldwide respect. I saw a whole country lament their King and this was an experience I'll never forget, because this as well is something that we don't know.

..step by step..

...and one more step closer to the goal...

March, 16th 2008

Thursday, March 13, 2008 the way...

..I frogged the Kyoto, after Miss Sophie used it as a temporary bed. I wasn't happy with it anyway, and so the decision was easy. Now I found a pattern in an old book that inspired me, and I knit a rhombus-pattern, in order to make it not so boring, as to knit plain stockinette. And I decided to knit a jacket, the back is already finished. Hope that I will not run out of yarn, since it are only leftovers. Otherwise I will have to rip again.....
That does not mean that the Kyoto is out of sight. I found material in my stash that is almost the same green color as the original, and it matches much better with the pattern....

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Loosing weight... not that worse..although I had guests for dinner this week, I still lost 2 kilos. Well, good motivation to continue. Following step, at least 1 kilo next week...

March, 8th 2008

Friday, March 7, 2008

Cookery show...

..I just got home, because I went to a cookery show with my friend next door. Our local shopping center celebrates it's 25th anniversary, and so a well-known cook created some wonderfull dishes. First there was a so-called "Bauernsalat". That are different sorts of green salats, black olives, cocktail-tomatoes and pistachios garnished with a special balsamico dressing. The highlight to this salat was a piece of baked feta-ost topped with a mixture of greens, olive-oil and spices. Then we had a chinese chickensoup with glass-noodles, followed by selfmade ravioli with cheese-filling and seafood. Afterwards we tasted strips of beef with diverse mushrooms, fried potatoes and cream sauce. And last but not least the cook served a local dessert made from yeast-balls, stewed fruit from pears and vanilla sauce. Hmm, it was all perfect and so yummiiieee. At the end we got a little cookbook with all these recipes in. Well, I'm sure, I will try the one or the other...but they are supposed to be in the "slow food" way - as opposite to "fast food" - , which means, I must have a lot of time to prepare and eat it...*smile*

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Spring is in the Air...

..but only in the house. Now we obviously have the winter we should have had in December/January. It's cold, ugly, snowy, slushy and stromy outside, and the only thing that makes it acceptable, is to sit in front of the fireplace with a hot cup of tea, knitting and a nice bunch of flowers that reminds us that spring is not far voilà, here it is, I got it yesterday from my friend W.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Cookies II

..since I will have guests during the week, I baked some more cookies, just after my own ideas using the ingredients I had.
Arrangement clockwise: ginger with almonds, spices with walnuts, blond with sugar-deco and hazelnut.

Monday, March 3, 2008


..well, a few days ago I wrote about it, and now I started a new project. I couldn't resist, when I saw this pullover. It's absolutely mine, the only modification, I had to elongate it. Material is Schachenmyr Storia, blue for the bottom, the top will be in white and beige, I don't have an idea up to now, how it will look like, since I'm working with leftovers.